Lectrosonics DSR & DSR5P Portable 2-channel Digital Slot Receiver

  • $2,989.00

The DSR and DSR5P digital receivers provide the highest level of RF and audio performance available with a versatile feature-set in a compact design for camera-mounted applications. Settings can be made from the front panel, making the unit ideal for use in camera hop configurations, in bags and on sound carts. An RF spec- trum analyzer and SmartTune are built into the receivers to alleviate interference problems in an increasingly congested RF spectrum. The mechanical design of the receivers fits into the SuperSlot ecosystem and combines field-proven features developed over many years of experience in motion pic- ture and television production. To decrease weight, the DSR and DSR5P provide a two-channel receiver in one unit powered by external DC. The receivers are also equipped with an IR port for data transfer between units. The machined aluminum housing and panels are surfaced with a hard-anodized finish with laser etched markings to withstand the rigors of field production. The RF gain stages in the front end use a newly developed design to provide low noise RF amplification, excellent sensitivity and extremely low susceptibility to intermodulation and de-sensitization.


The DSR and DSR5P offer compatibility with the D-Squared and Duet digital transmitters, including the DBu, DHu, DPr, DBSM, DCHT, and M2T, and backward compatibility with any Digital Hybrid Wireless® transmitters including the SM and SMWB series, WM, HM Series, MM400 Series, HH Series, LT, LMb, UM400 Series, and SSM.

Diversity Options

An ideal diversity system constructively combines all the energy available at both antennas. Traditional “true diversity” or “ratio diversity” methods use two complete receivers and blend the audio. This works well for FM and Digital Hybrid systems, but falls short of the ideal for today’s all-digital modes. The DSR/DSR5P’s Diversity subsystem smoothly and continuously combine RF signals from two receiver front ends per channel, with differing phase angles in order to obtain maximum energy. Not only does this method deliver clean, artifact-free performance in all modes, but it is also able to take two signals compromised by multipath interference and reassemble them into a usable signal.

Operating Frequencies (MHz):

  • Model A1B1: 470.100 - 614.375
  • Model B1C1: 537.600 - 691.175
  • 941: 941.525 - 959.825
  • 961: 961.100 - 1014.900 (UK Only)


DSR - $2,989

DSR5P - $3,189

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