Foam Rubber 22.5 Inch Medium Sized Hatchet Axe Prop

  • $42.00

This medium sized 22.5 inch foam rubber axe is perfect for use as an action prop in direct contact with actors. Nicely weighted and beautiful detailed with a dark aged wood handle and traces of use and wear, this foam rubber axe can be used in all types of productions. The axe contains a fiberglass armature inside to keep the prop sturdy while in use to prevent it from bending unrealistically. This precision made production quality prop is molded off a real tool and has all the details of the actual axe. 

Approximate Size: 22.5" x 5.5" 1.5"

Weight: 6 oz


Typical turn around time may be 3-5 days plus shipping transit time. For any questions/needs please call/text 469-399-7860 or email

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