Cap It! Covers AKS Camera & Electronics Protection Perfect for ARRI, RED, Sony, PANASONIC, PANAVISION, Black Magic, STEADICAM, GIMBLE RIGS, KIT Bags Monitors and More.

CAP IT! AKS Protective Covers for Electronics, Small Cameras and AKS Accessories 3 Pack (Clear)

  • $19.99



As the name suggests this is our utility CAP IT! COVER made to take care of the little, but still important, things in life. This CAP IT! COVER is extremely versatile, offering supreme lightweight custom made protection against light, rain, VFX blood, dust, debris and other elements that may cause damage to your equipment.

Each package comes with 3 CAPS and 3 industrial rubber bands to help ensure an optimal fit. Simply put the CAP IT! COVER over what you need to protect. Next, secure with the band and go about your business.

Uses for the AKS CAP IT! COVERS include…

  • Small camera setups
  • DSLR rigs
  • 17″ Monitors
  • Kit Bags
  • Block Batteries
  • Slates

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