iPower 9V 4-bank Charger

  • $39.50

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The iPower FC-9VX44 Fast Smart 9V 4-Bay Charger is the best way to make sure your electronic, musical and photographic equipment stay operative at critical times. The dual voltage charger allows you to travel to many places and still maintain battery power for your various devices.

Li-ion Batteries Charging Mode

4 channels independent charging each 9V battery
Super fast charge Li-ion 9V battery in 1 hour
Auto detection, auto protection and auto stop
Dual color LED display (Charging: Red, Full: Green)

Ni-MH & Ni-CD Batteries Charging mode

      4 channels independent charging each 9V battery

      Negative delta V and zero delta V program control

      Auto protect with voltage and timer control

    Auto detection and charging 7.2V/8.4V/9.6V battery
    Super fast charge Ni-MH & Ni-CD 9V battery in 2 hours

Switching Dual Charge Mode

Li-ion (Li-Polymer) or Ni-MH (Ni-CD); independent 4 channels with dual color LED. Charging different capacity battery at same time

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