Matthews 24" x 36" Solid Flag

Matthews 24" x 36" Solid Flag

  • $64.00

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Matthews 169062 Overview

Flags are square or rectangular frames with mounting pins attached. Used to control natural or artificial light. Can be used to protect the camera lens from flares, control spill light from other sources, or keep light from reaching an area on the set.

Newly designed 90° Flag frames will make it possible to position the instrument over the top of the set wall or to use two or more units to create a box for better light control.


Matthews 169062 Specs

Fabric Solid Black
Size 24" x 36" (61 x 91 cm)
Shape Rectangular
Packaging Info
Package Weight 3 lb
Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 43 x 24 x 0.5"

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